Stuff and Nonsense by Amy Cockram is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
This pile of books is one of my upcoming projects.
Now that I have read the books that I have borrowed from people - shh, don't tell anyone I have got some books out from the library again - my next step in mastering my unread books is to work through books for review that publishers have kindly sent me. This is my pile, courtesy of Simon and Schuster, Quercus Books and Waterstones (with the exception of the two paperback Philippa Gregorys - as I'm an obsessive person, I wanted to read them before the two hardbacks of hers that I got in the post).
I have a couple of books that I want to read first, and then I'm going to work my way through this pile. Any suggestions from anyone as to which one from my pile I should read first?
I've got The Red Queen, The White Queen, & Tidelines on my reading pile too :) Must compare notes when we've both read them!!!